Sunday, October 2, 2011

Essay Ideas

1. What is the issue you plan to research and write about?
 ...pirates in Somalia
2. Why is the issue important? What is the significance?
 ...Somali pirates frequent  the Gulf of Aden, which freighters and tankers of various countries frequently pass. So, the problem of Somali pirates is deeply related to the safety of many countries transportation.

3. Why are you interested in this? What's the connection to you?
...I like history very much, and I have interested in Somali pirates since I learned it related to world history when I was in high school. In addition, I have known that Japanese freighters and tankers are also attacked by them many times. So, I decided to research about them.

4. What question do you have about this issue? What so you want to find out?
I want to know the historical background of Somalia, the origin of Somali pirates, the specific damages caused by them, and the reason why people become pirates and why the world won't be able to solve this problem easily. I want to make my own view for solving this problem after researching these things.



  1. Hi Sae,
    Nice topic! You seem to have many ideas, so good luck with finding your main focus and developing your outline!

  2. Research Question:

    How should piracy in Somalia be controlled/contain more effectively?

    The UN should...


    What are the causes of piracy?

    What are the current measures/actions being taken by the UN etc.?

    Why are they not working? Why is piracy continuing?

    What new solutions (short term and/or long term) are needed?

    Good questions!
